本案例采用H3C HCL模拟器来模拟IPV6 VRRP典型组网配置。为了确保网络的冗余,将SW2和SW3开启VRRP作为网关冗余。SW2为主设备,SW3为备用设备。SW2、SW3与R1的互联采用ospfv3路由协议互通。当断开SW2的GI1/0/2上联口是,物理机能走SW3方向去往R1。
- 按照网络拓扑图正确配置IP地址和VLAN划分
- SW2配置track,方便VRRP的检测与切换
- SW2、SW3、R1运行OSPFv3路由协议
[H3C]sysname SW1
[SW1]vlan 10
[SW1]int gi 1/0/3
[SW1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3]port link-type access
[SW1-GigabitEthernet1/0/3]port access vlan 10
[SW1]int range gi 1/0/1 to gi 1/0/2
[SW1-if-range]port link-type trunk
[SW1-if-range]undo port trunk permit vlan 1
[SW1-if-range]port trunk permit vlan 10
[SW1]ip unreachables enable
[SW1]ip ttl-expires enable
[SW1]ipv6 unreachables enable
[H3C]sysname SW2
[SW2]vlan 10
[SW2]int range gi 1/0/1 gi 1/0/3
[SW2-if-range]port link-type trunk
[SW2-if-range]undo port trunk permit vlan 1
[SW2-if-range]port trunk permit vlan 10
[SW2]int vlan 10
[SW2-Vlan-interface10]ipv6 address fe80::2 link-local
[SW2-Vlan-interface10]vrrp ipv6 vrid 1 virtual-ip fe80::1 link-local
[SW2-Vlan-interface10]vrrp ipv6 vrid 1 priority 120
[SW2-Vlan-interface10]vrrp ipv6 vrid 1 track 1 priority reduced 30
[SW2-Vlan-interface10]ipv6 address 3::1 64
[SW2-Vlan-interface10]ospfv3 1 area 0
[SW2]track 1 interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2
[SW2]int LoopBack 0
[SW2-LoopBack0]ip address 32
[SW2]ospfv3 1
[SW2-ospfv3-1]import-route direct
[SW2-ospfv3-1]silent-interface Vlan-interface 10
[SW2]int gi 1/0/2
[SW2-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]port link-mode route
[SW2-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]des <connect to R1>
[SW2-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]ipv6 address 1::1 64
[SW2-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]ospfv3 1 area 0
[SW2]ip unreachables enable
[SW2]ip ttl-expires enable
[SW2]ipv6 unreachables enable
[H3C]sysname SW3
[SW3]int loopback 0
[SW3-LoopBack0]ip address 32
[SW3]vlan 10
[SW3]int range gi 1/0/1 gi 1/0/3
[SW3-if-range]port link-type trunk
[SW3-if-range]undo port trunk permit vlan 1
[SW3-if-range]port trunk permit vlan 10
[SW3]int vlan 10
[SW3-Vlan-interface10]ipv6 address fe80::3 link-local
[SW3-Vlan-interface10]vrrp ipv6 vrid 1 virtual-ip fe80::1 link-local
[SW3-Vlan-interface10]ipv6 address 3::2 64
[SW3-Vlan-interface10]ospfv3 1 area 0
[SW3-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]ospfv3 cost 200
[SW3]ospfv3 1
[SW3-ospfv3-1]silent-interface Vlan-interface 10
[SW3-ospfv3-1]import-route direct
[SW3]int gi 1/0/2
[SW3-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]port link-mode route
[SW3-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]des <connect to R1>
[SW3-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]ipv6 address 2::1 64
[SW3-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]ospfv3 1 area 0
[SW3]ip unreachables enable
[SW3]ip ttl-expires enable
[SW3]ipv6 unreachables enable
[H3C]sysname R1
[R1]int loopback 0
[R1-LoopBack0]ip address 32
[R1]int loopback 1
[R1-LoopBack1]ipv6 address 4::1 64
[R1-LoopBack1]ospfv3 1 area 0
[R1]ospfv3 1
[R1-ospfv3-1]import-route direct
[R1]int gi 0/0
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0]des <connect to SW2>
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0]ipv6 address 1::2 64
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0]ospfv3 1 area 0
[R1]int gi 0/1
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/1]des <connect to SW3>
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/1]ipv6 address 2::2 64
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/1]ospfv3 1 area 0
[R1]ip unreachables enable
[R1]ip ttl-expires enable
[R1]ipv6 unreachables enable
[SW2]dis ipv6 routing-table
Destinations : 10 Routes : 10
Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 1::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 0
Destination: 1::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 2::/64 Protocol : O_INTRA
NextHop : FE80::867D:FF:FE9A:405 Preference: 10
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 2
Destination: 3::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : Vlan10 Cost : 0
Destination: 3::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 4::/64 Protocol : O_ASE2
NextHop : FE80::867D:FF:FE9A:405 Preference: 150
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 1
Destination: 4::1/128 Protocol : O_INTRA
NextHop : FE80::867D:FF:FE9A:405 Preference: 10
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 1
Destination: FE80::/10 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: FF00::/8 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
[SW3]dis ipv6 routing-table
Destinations : 10 Routes : 10
Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 1::/64 Protocol : O_INTRA
NextHop : FE80::867D:FF:FE9A:406 Preference: 10
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 201
Destination: 2::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 0
Destination: 2::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 3::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : Vlan10 Cost : 0
Destination: 3::2/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 4::/64 Protocol : O_ASE2
NextHop : FE80::867D:FF:FE9A:406 Preference: 150
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 1
Destination: 4::1/128 Protocol : O_INTRA
NextHop : FE80::867D:FF:FE9A:406 Preference: 10
Interface : GE1/0/2 Cost : 200
Destination: FE80::/10 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: FF00::/8 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
[R1]dis ipv6 routing-table
Destinations : 10 Routes : 11
Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 1::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : GE0/0 Cost : 0
Destination: 1::2/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 2::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : GE0/1 Cost : 0
Destination: 2::2/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 3::/64 Protocol : O_INTRA
NextHop : FE80::867C:9AFF:FE0A:207 Preference: 10
Interface : GE0/0 Cost : 2
Destination: 3::/64 Protocol : O_INTRA
NextHop : FE80::867C:9FFF:FEF2:307 Preference: 10
Interface : GE0/1 Cost : 2
Destination: 4::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : Loop1 Cost : 0
Destination: 4::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: FE80::/10 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: FF00::/8 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : :: Preference: 0
Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0
关闭SW2的GI 1/0/2端口:
[SW2]int gi 1/0/2
使用trecert -d 4::1,物理机去往4::1已经走SW3方向: